SpeechWoman Site of the Month - Thank You!

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FacilitatedCommunication.org has been named “SpeechWoman Site of the Month” for February 2021. The honor is given to a speech-language pathology or speech and language therapy related site that is worthwhile celebrating. As SpeechWoman points out

“…numerous scientific trials have shown that it is facilitators, not People with Disabilities, who control FC-generated messages. The bona fide scientific community, internationally, has spoken out against it over the decades because, as a violation of human rights, it is deceptive, unethical, harmful, potentially dangerous, and associated with serious opportunity costs for PWD (who deserve to be availed of legitimate communication techniques) and for well-intentioned but deluded facilitators (who could be employed in delivering appropriate services that have been shown to be effective).”

For more information, please visit speech-language-therapy dot com


Monotropism and tunnel vision


“What is Wrong with FC?” NCSA Webinar